
Frances Recio
- Children’s Summer Reading Program - June – July.
Collections --- Search Online Catalog
- Fiction
- Non-fiction
- Southwest Collection
- Children’s Fiction and Non-fiction
- Youth Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Spanish Fiction, Non-Fiction and Children’s section
- Local Newspaper
- Magazines
- Audio Books
- Videos
- Cards issued to residents with Texas ID card/Driver's License
- TexShare cards issued to patrons of good standing upon request
- TexShare cards from member libraries honored
- Loan Star privileges to out-of-town patrons with proof of Texas residency
- Borrowing period is 14 days; some restrictions apply
Meeting Room
A media room is available for public use. Reservations must be made prior to date of use.
Computer Access
- Four public Internet terminals
- Two children’s computers
- Must be registered to use and in good standing with not fines
- Registration requires picture ID
- Interlibrary Loan
- Free Internet access for registered users
- Automated checkout
- Public access photocopier :15 cents per copy